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The Revelation

A study and application of God’s last words to us

From January through July of this year we will travel through the last book of the Bible, The Revelation. Notice that the book opens and closes with a promise of blessing for those who read, hear and keep the words of this prophecy (Rev. 1:3; 22:7). This framing tells us what the book is for: the encouragement and transformation of Christians facing persecution and suffering of all kinds. It is a profoundly practical and relevant book, not a fanciful exploration of how and when the world might end. What does this book reveal? Yes, it reveals our hearts as we face various struggles. It exposes the evil in this world. But ultimately the book reveals the glory and supremacy and victory of King Jesus. Some come be encouraged, be inspired and be changed as you encounter the risen and victorious King of kings and Lord of lords!

9. Work for the Lord

What is our calling when it comes to evangelism and kingdom mission? This passage in Ephesians shows us Jesus’ mission to fill the earth with His glory and love through the church! The task of Christian leaders is “to equip the saints for the work of ministry.” Every...

8. Be Zealous

The last of the seven letters is the most severe in its rebuke from King Jesus. This lukewarm church is in danger of being vomited from the Lord’s mouth. Yet they believed they were blessed and successful! This letter invites us to pray for three miracles from the...

7. Christ is For You

"If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31) In the letter to the church at Philadelphia, we see 4 things Jesus has done or promises He will do for this church, and therefore, what has done for or promises you, in Christ: 1) He has given them the kingdom;...

6. Wake Up

All seven letters from Jesus are a wake-up call, but the letter to Sardis is explicitly a command from King Jesus to “wake up!” Most of the members of this church had become sleepy and sluggish in their faith, devotion, and service to the point that Jesus declared...

5. Hold Fast

Thyatira was a faithful, loving, hard-working congregation. However, they chose to avoid confrontation with a false teacher who was leading people astray. They tolerated “Jezebel” (see 1 Kings 16-21). Jesus confronted the sins of this false teacher but also the church...

4. A Call to Repent

Pergamum was notorious in Asia Minor as a hotbed of idol worship and immorality. It was filled with temples to Greek and other gods and all the questionable practices that came with them. The third letter from the Lord Jesus first recognizes the challenge of living in...

3. Be Faithful

Smyrna is the only one of the seven churches to whom Jesus did not address a confrontation of sin. He acknowledged their suffering and affirmed their commitment. And He called them to stand firm and endure, trusting completely in Him. Come Sunday to hear the...

2. Your First Love

In the first of Jesus’ seven letters to His church we see the pattern that will repeat in all the letters: an introduction of Jesus, an affirmation of the church, a confrontation of the church’s sin and an exhortation to persevere and overcome. Ephesus was one of the...

1. The Revelation

The last book of the Bible is not the revelation of the exact sequence of events for the end of the world. Sorry to disappoint, but “anyone who says differently is selling something.” This beautiful, practical book is “the revelation of Jesus Christ” (Rev. 1:1). It is...

A Life of Faithfulness

The life of the prophet Samuel provides a model of devotion, consistency, and faithfulness. His life consisted of doing the same ministry in the same place with the same people for over 60 years. We find three profound stories in Samuel’s life (The Revival, The...