Tier 1 Events
This form is for Tier 1 events. Tier 1’s are large events for the whole church and are typically for outreach (e.g. Christmas, Easter, Prayer Summit, Potluck Sunday, Community Events, Trunk or Treat, etc.). These events are typically marketed for 6 to 7 weeks in the worship program, Oakwood Update emails, social media, and are a part of the announcements on Sunday mornings as needed, and can have paid social media ads, banners placed outside, its own web page, and get its own emails. You also have the option to have a table in the Worship Center lobby a few Sundays to generate interest and help with signups.
Please note that submitting this form does not mean your request is approved. You will receive event approval, confirming the marketing plan, within 5 business days of submission. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
If you have any questions, please contact Marcia Whipple, our Church Ministry Coordinator, at office@oakwoodfl.org or (813) 969-2303.
Tier 2 Events
1. Events for most of the congregation, if not all (e.g.Missions Trips, Baby Steps for Life, Donations Requested, etc.). These events are typically marketed for 4 to 5 weeks in the worship program, Oakwood Update emails, social media, and are a part of the announcements on Sunday mornings as needed. If you need a flyer, please let us know, but note the cost will come from your specific ministry. You also have the option (if space is available)to have a table in the Worship Center lobby a few Sundays to generate interest and help with signups.
2. Events for a smaller portion of the congregation (e.g. students, kids, men’s, women’s, parents, or a specific ministry like Worship Arts, etc.). These events are typically marketed for 3 to 4 weeks in the worship program, OakwoodUpdate emails, social media, and are a part of the announcements on Sunday mornings as needed. If you need a flyer, please let us know, but note the cost will come from your specific ministry. You also have the option (if space is available) to have a table in the Worship Center lobby a few Sundays to generate interest and help with signups.
Please note that submitting this form does not mean your request is approved. You will receive event approval, confirming the marketing plan, within 5 business days of submission. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
If you have any questions, please contact Marcia Whipple, our Church Ministry Coordinator, at office@oakwoodfl.org or (813) 969-2303.
Tier 3 Events
Please note that submitting this form does not mean your request is approved. You will receive event approval, confirming the marketing plan, within 5 business days of submission. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.
If you have any questions, please contact Marcia Whipple, our Church Ministry Coordinator, at office@oakwoodfl.org or (813) 969-2303.