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Just Do It

“Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves” (James 1:22). James frequently echoes the teachings of his brother, Jesus, like this reference to the wise and foolish builders. This letter is profoundly practical with its emphasis on words, money, suffering and service. It’s one thing to say you follow Jesus but it’s something else to actually live out what Jesus taught. This series should not be an intellectual analysis but rather a personal application of the many practical exhortations in the letter of James. 

April 7 – June 16

10. Just Persevere

"Be patient." "Hang in there." These are two commonly used statements that now have humorous pictures attached to try to cheer someone up. Did you know that they are biblically based? In James 5, God gives us guidance on how we can be patient in suffering. Join us...

9. Just Serve

When it comes to finances how much is enough? What are our priorities? What is our motivation and why? Join us this Sunday to hear from Austin Temperley as he shares from James 5:1-6. You may find that you've been asking yourself the wrong questions. Get the...

8. Just Submit

We are not naturally good at submission. We are American rebels who have been trained to stand up for our rights. But in the kingdom of God we are servants, called to submit to the King. James shows us here two sins to avoid: 1) Judging others and exalting ourselves...

7. Just Repent

The way of Jesus runs exactly opposite to the way of the world. The door is small and the path is narrow. The message our culture shouts at us is “believe in yourself” and “follow your heart.” This sounds good, dressed up in Disney animations, but is a glitzy cover up...

6. Just Shut It

No one will be surprised on Mother’s Day to be reminded that your words matter. Mom told you that when you were very small, and it’s still true today. Our words matter because 1) they reveal who we are and 2) they shape who we become. What are your words revealing...

5. Just Live It

“Faith by itself, if it doesn’t have works, is dead” (James 2:17). In other words, saying you believe in Jesus but not actually loving people is a false profession – empty words; hypocrisy. James shows us two marks of dead orthodoxy and two signs of genuine faith....

4. Just Love

Before the day of financing and credit cards, wealth and social status were immediately obvious based on how you dressed. Even charitable giving was done in a public way so everyone knew who gave a lot and who gave less. So it was a genuine challenge in the early...

3. Just Obey

James shows us what true religion - real saving faith - looks like. There are three tangible marks of a genuine follower of Jesus: 1) you manage your emotions and words; 2) you actually love people (especially the most vulnerable) and; 3) you win the battle against...

2. Know the Truth

In order to make sense of our lives and this world, we must know the truth about ourselves and about God. In his first chapter James shows us truth about ourselves: there are blessings for the poor and humble and dangers for the rich and proud; life is very short; and...

1. Rejoice

Come learn about James, the brother of Jesus, as we begin our study of his powerful and practical letter. We’ve called this whole series, “Just do it,” based on James 1:22 - “But be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” A Christian life of...