ESL Teachers Needed
Tampa is one of the most diverse cities in the United States. In the immediate area surrounding Oakwood, there are multiple pockets of people that don’t speak English as their heart language. The nations have come to the area surrounding our church, and we have an exciting opportunity to minister to them by teaching English.
Love the sojourner, therefore, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt.
God has given us a unique calling to reach into the lives of those around us with grace and compassion. He calls us to understand their needs and respond to them with in much the same way He has reached down and responded to us in Christ. Our mission with this ESL ministry is to share the love of Jesus in both word and deed by providing English classes to those in need in our community.
Our English classes have begun and meet on Thursdays from 6:30-8:30pm in the Quad, which is within the Adult Education Building. We believe many locals will register for these classes. Please join us in prayer to God for this to happen!
We need more teachers and volunteers! Have you considered participating in this ministry? You DO NOT need to speak another language to help teach ESL! These are the three criteria for becoming an English teacher:
- Love God and desire to serve others in the community, showing God’s love to them.
- Speak English.
- Be an active attender of Oakwood.
If you meet these three criteria, we can train you to teach in the ESL ministry. You are also welcome to come observe the English classes on Thursdays at 6:30 pm.