by OakAdmin | Sep 3, 2021 | Comfort and Grief, Pain and Suffering, Scripture, The Gospel, Theology, Worldview
“And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. And God saw that the light was good.” Genesis 1:3-4 “God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good.”...
by OakAdmin | Aug 13, 2021 | End Times, Famous Writers, Heaven, The Gospel, Theology
An explanation of Tim Mackie’s Heaven and Earth by Pastor Jason Harms The Bible Project “The Bible refuses to be domesticated.” Its beauty is that it can be simple yet also complex. I think this video does a great job drawing us away from an oversimplification...
by OakAdmin | Aug 6, 2021 | Disciplemaking, End Times, Global Missions, Outreach, The Gospel
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8 “He lived there [in Rome] two whole years at his own expense,...
by OakAdmin | Aug 3, 2021 | Comfort and Grief, End Times, Famous Writers, Heaven, Spiritual Growth, The Gospel
From The Bible Project We encourage everyone to watch the longer video from Tim Mackie that further explains the six minute video above. Here is the bottom line: the good news of Jesus Christ is about far more than just “getting to heaven.” Children...
by OakAdmin | Jul 30, 2021 | Apologetics, Famous Writers, The Gospel, Theology, Worldview
On August 15 (2021) we begin a new series on a Christian worldview. What are the foundational beliefs on which our faith and purpose rest? How do those core convictions compare with other prominent worldviews? The fact is that everyone has a worldview. Everyone lives...
by OakAdmin | Jul 16, 2021 | Disciplemaking, Life Stories, Outreach, The Gospel
“Your testimony is the sharpest tool for evangelism.” A movement leader from southeast Asia encourages new believers to immediately write out and practice sharing their story as a way of engaging with the non-believers in their lives. This way, from their...