Overcoming Fear in Evangelism
by OakAdmin | Aug 5, 2018 | Darin's Blog, Message Series
There are lots of reasons that Christians don’t share our faith as much as we should. Probably the main one is fear. We are afraid of how people will respond. We worry about how to start a spiritual conversation. We stress about causing friction in...To Tithe or not to Tithe?
by OakAdmin | Jul 28, 2018 | Darin's Blog, Message Series
Our sermon series is called Serve the Church. We started in John 13 and then walked through Romans 12. Most of this series has focused on using our gifts to love one another and build up the body at Oakwood. But this week there is a specific command that we...Will there be Oceans (and Dolphins) in Heaven?
by OakAdmin | Jun 6, 2018 | Darin's Blog, Message Series
“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.” Revelation 21:1 Does this verse mean there will be no oceans in the new heaven and earth? No large bodies of water and therefore...God’s Passion for His Own Glory
by OakAdmin | May 17, 2018 | Darin's Blog, Message Series
Is it right for God to pursue His own glory? We know it isn’t right for any of us to pursue our own glory, so is it ok for God? John Piper has worked throughout his long career of preaching and writing to explain why God must be for Himself in order to truly be...Hope and Power to Change
by OakAdmin | May 7, 2018 | Darin's Blog, Message Series
We all struggle with various hardships and challenges. Some things are simply the result of living in a broken and fallen world. Others are the consequences of choices we have made – both for better and for worse. The question is: how can we get beyond just...Search the site
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