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Here is an excellent intro and overview of the inspiring prophecy of Ezekiel. It is one of the trickiest books to understand, but these two videos go a long way to unlocking the meaning. Thanks Bible Project! Continue with Part 2: Don’t forget to read the...

Fight Sin

With our strong emphasis on the grace of God and freedom in Christ, many evangelicals fall into the trap of having a passive stance toward sin. We rightly believe that salvation is the work of Christ alone from beginning to end. But we wrongly conclude from that...

Gods at War

This Sunday we reach a key moment in Israel’s history where idolatry and true worship collide. 950 prophets of Baal and Asherah (the most prominent Canaanite deities) face off against the one remaining prophet of the LORD, Elijah. Worship “Let two bulls be...


God’s promises are the foundation of our faith. If we dig the roots of our lives deeply into the rich and wonderful promises of God we will grow strong in Him and will live fruitful lives for His glory. God’s promises should make us confident as we remember that He is...


The Bible Project helpfully summarizes and illustrates how Judges presents the story of Israel’s Total Failure. This was one of the darkest times in Israel’s history – a time of chaos, rebellion and judgment. But it was also a time of deliverance as God kept on...