(813) 969-2303 office@oakwoodfl.org

14. The Call to Work

14. The Call to Work Aug. 2, 2020 - 1 Peter 4:7-11 The Call to Work by Pastor Darin Anderson | God and the Rest of the Week http://www.oakwoodfl.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/8.2.20-message.wav Work is not a curse or punishment, it is a blessing to us from God...

13. The Struggle of Work

13. The Struggle of Work July 26, 2020- Genesis 3:17-24 The Struggle of Work by Pastor Darin Anderson | God and the Rest of the Week http://www.oakwoodfl.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/sermon-7.26.20.wav While we know that work is a gift and blessing from God we...

12. The Gift of Work

12. The Gift of Work July 19, 2020 - Genesis 1:1-5; 26-28; 2:1-3 The Gift of Work by Pastor Darin Anderson | God and the Rest of the Week http://www.oakwoodfl.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/7.19.wav Work is not a punishment or curse. Work is a good gift from God...

Search Me, O God!

Search Me, O God! July 12, 2020 - Psalm 139 Search Me, O God! by Jason Harms | God and the Rest of the Week http://www.oakwoodfl.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/sermon-7.12.20-1.wav Examinations are an interesting concept when it comes to the Christian life. Many...

Wait On The Lord

Wait On The Lord Psalm 62 Wait On The Lord by Jason Harms | God and the Rest of the Week http://www.oakwoodfl.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/sermon-7.5.20.wav Jason helps us understand what it means to wait on the Lord, discerning what we must do and what only...