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5. The Unstoppable Word

5. The Unstoppable Word October 4, 2020 - Acts 1:12-26 The Unstoppable Word by Pastor Darin Anderson | Unstoppable http://www.oakwoodfl.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/sermon-10.04.20.wav God is faithful. His Word cannot be broken. God has promised over and over...

4. Is this the End of the World?

4. Is this the End of the World? September 27, 2020 - Matthew 24 Is this the End of the World? by Pastor Darin Anderson | Unstoppable Are you ready? Jesus told his followers to stay awake, watchful, alert! And he gave specific things to watch for. Do you know what...

3. The Glorious Return of Christ

3. The Glorious Return of Christ September 20, 2020 - Acts 1:9-11 The Glorious Return of Christ by Pastor Darin Anderson | Unstoppable The exaltation of Jesus started with the resurrection, continued in the ascension and will be completed with His return. When Jesus...

2. The Unstoppable Promise

The Unstoppable Promise September 13, 2020 - Acts 1:4-8 The Unstoppable Promise by Pastor Darin Anderson | Unstoppable http://www.oakwoodfl.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Sermon-9.13.20.wav Before ascending into heaven Jesus encouraged his disciples with three...

1. The Unstoppable Savior

The Unstoppable Savior September 6, 2020 The Unstoppable Savior by Pastor Darin Anderson | Unstoppable http://www.oakwoodfl.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/9.6.wav The church is on an unstoppable mission because we follow an unstoppable Savior. Luke gives us three...

Let’s Go!

Let's Go! August 30, 2020 Let's Go! by Pastor Darin and Elders | God and the Rest of the Week God calls all believers to (1) love Him, (2) grow in Christ, (3) serve the church and, (4) reach the world. Precisely how you do that will be unique to you, but all who...