by OakAdmin | Jan 15, 2021 | Unstoppable
Unstoppable Stories - Oakwood Testimonies January 17, 2021 Unstoppable Stories - Oakwood Testimonies by Oakwood members | Unstoppable How has the Lord been working in your life? What is your unstoppable story? This Sunday is a testimony Sunday. Instead of a sermon, OakAdmin | Jan 5, 2021 | Unstoppable
19. Multiply January 10, 2010 - Acts 9:18-31 Multiply by Pastor Darin Anderson | Unstoppable Already in Acts 9 we see the fulfillment of the promise in Acts 1:8 that the disciples would be witnesses in “all Judea and Samaria.” How did the early church OakAdmin | Dec 24, 2020 | Message Series, Unstoppable
18. Called January 03, 2021 - Acts 9:1-22 Called by Pastor Darin Anderson | Unstoppable The conversion of Saul the Pharisee, who would become Paul the missionary, is one of the most dramatic transformations in history. While the details are unusual, the basic OakAdmin | Dec 24, 2020 | Unstoppable
17. Show and Share December 27, 2020 - Acts 8 Show and Share by Pastor Darin Anderson | Unstoppable Wherever we go, Christians are called to communicate the grace of Jesus and demonstrate the love of Jesus. This showing and sharing, proclamation and demonstration, OakAdmin | Dec 15, 2020 | Unstoppable
16. The Whole Story December 20, 2020 - Acts 6 and 7 The Whole Story by Pastor Darin Anderson | Unstoppable The whole Bible is one story and it all points to Jesus. The first martyr in OakAdmin | Dec 10, 2020 | Unstoppable
15. Unstoppable Service December 13, 2020 - Acts 6:1-7 Unstoppable Service by Jason Harms | Unstoppable Unstoppable Service As the church continues to grow and expand outward, in Acts 6:1-7...