(813) 969-2303 office@oakwoodfl.org

6. Confronted

6. Confronted October 16, 2022 - Jonah 1 Confronted by Pastor Darin Anderson | Calling http://www.oakwoodfl.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Confronted-10.16.22.m4a Like Jonah, we can all wander or sometimes rush off course. How does God intervene in the lives of...

5. Sent

5. Sent October 9, 2022 - Jonah 1 Sent by Pastor Darin Anderson | Calling http://www.oakwoodfl.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Sent-10.09.22-audio.m4a When the word of the Lord came to Jonah he knew exactly what God wanted him to do and rightly guessed why (see...

4. The Hallway of Your Life

4. The Hallway of Your Life October 2, 2022 - 2 Samuel 5 The Hallway of Your Life by Pastor Darin Anderson | Calling http://www.oakwoodfl.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/The-Hallway-of-Your-Life.m4a King David’s life is a helpful example to us of how God develops...

3. A Passionate Pursuit

3. A Passionate Pursuit September 25, 2022 - 1 Samuel 17 A Passionate Pursuit by Pastor Jason Harms | Calling http://www.oakwoodfl.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Passionate-Pursuit.m4a What are you passionate about? This popular question in our culture carries...

2. Use Your Gifts

2. Use Your Gifts September 18, 2022 - 1 Samuel 16 Use Your Gifts by Pastor Darin Anderson | Calling http://www.oakwoodfl.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Use-Your-Gifts-audio.m4a Discover your calling – your unique kingdom assignment – at the...

10. He Will Hold Me Fast

10. He Will Hold Me Fast September 4, 2022 - Psalm 139 He Will Hold Me Fast by Pastor Darin Anderson | Prayer Pathways in the Storm http://www.oakwoodfl.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/He-Will-Hold-Me-Fast.m4a King David knew God as Creator, Lord and Savior....