(813) 969-2303 office@oakwoodfl.org

6. The Promise

6. The Promise December 24, 2023 - Luke 2:6-14 The Promise by Pastor Darin Anderson | The One Story http://www.oakwoodfl.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/message-12.24.23-audio-only.mp3 The angel’s announcement of “good news of great joy” in Luke...

5. The Transformation

5. The Transformation December 17, 2023 - Ephesians 2:1-10 The Transformation by Pastor Darin Anderson | The One Story http://www.oakwoodfl.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/message-121723-audio-only.mp3 The climax of the one story of God is the coming of Jesus and...

4. The Hero

4. The Hero December 10, 2023 - Isaiah 9:1-7 The Hero by Pastor Darin Anderson | The One Story http://www.oakwoodfl.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/message-12.10.23-audio-only.mp3 In the one story of God, there is only one Hero and His name is Jesus. You and I...

3. The Plan

3. The Plan December 3, 2023 - Ephesians 1:7-12 The Plan by Pastor Darin Anderson | The One Story http://www.oakwoodfl.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/message-12.03.2023.mp3 What is the meaning of life? What is your purpose? Is there a master storyline for history...

8. The Best Evangelist

8. The Best Evangelist November 12, 2023 - John 4:7-14 The Best Evangelist by Pastor Darin Anderson | Meet Jesus http://www.oakwoodfl.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/The-Best-Evangelist.mp3 Who is the best evangelist? The way Jesus engaged with the Samaritan woman...

7. You are Established

7. You are Established November 5, 2023 - Matthew 9:9-13 You are Established by Pastor Darin Anderson | Meet Jesus http://www.oakwoodfl.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/message-11.05.23-audio.mp3 Matthew was a tax collector – and probably one of the least...