(813) 969-2303 office@oakwoodfl.org

What’s Your Bullseye?

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:10 God has created each of us with a unique calling. If you think of God’s will for your life as a bullseye,...

From Now On

As we gratefully process the mercy and grace of God (and see how they are perfectly united in Christ) it invites us to think about repentance. God’s “kindness leads us to repentance” (Rom. 2:4). We come humbly to the foot of the cross because Jesus...

Guilt & Shame

Guilt is knowing you have done something wrong. Shame is feeling that you are something wrong. A detailed and insightful article on this is available here. Shame can haunt you long after you’ve experienced forgiveness for a past mistake. And unlike guilt, shame...

Mercy & Grace

Mercy is not getting the punishment we deserve. Grace is getting blessings we don’t deserve. The Gospel beautifully combines God’s mercy and grace to us in Christ. First, He mercifully withholds from us the punishment we deserve, pouring His wrath full...

Unity in the Essentials

The Evangelical Free Church is known for its commitment to the authority of Scripture and the centrality of the Gospel. The Bible is our foundation and the cross of Jesus Christ is our center. This dual commitment gives us fierce clarity on the essential doctrines of...

What is the EFCA?

Since I grew up in an Evangelical Free Church, studied at the EFCA Seminary (Trinity) and have served only at EFCA churches, I am very familiar with our denomination. But in case you are not, here is a quick overview of what the EFCA is all about. The word...