“I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.”
John 17:16-17
Thankfully the election is over and it seems to be a peaceful resolution, for which we praise the Lord! But our fight to protect the unborn continues as does our call to prayer for our state and our country.
As we continue through Jesus’ prayer in John 17 we find this request of our Lord to protect us from the evil one and to sanctify us in the truth. It is significant that Jesus does not ask the Father to remove His followers from the world, but rather to protect us in the world. His plan for history did not involve getting people “saved” and then teleported out of the darkness and brokenness of this fallen world. Rather, it involves saved people getting sanctified in order to have a positive influence on this world as the body of Christ.
What is our relationship to culture?
- Some Christians take a posture of withdrawal in order to avoid the contaminating effects of a sinful culture.
- Some take an attitude of attack, prophetically confronting the evils of the world.
- Some fall into the trap of assimilation, adopting the thoughts, values and habits of our culture.
- And others seek to engage and influence both individuals and institutions in order to change the world we live in.
Aside from assimilation, the other responses can be appropriate at times. An addict, for example, needs a season completely away from the people and places that led him into his self-destructive lifestyle. Withdrawal is necessary for a time. With issues like abortion Christians need to prophetically identify the wrong thinking and evil behaviors in our culture without attacking the people who are victimized by the self-indulgent currents of our day.
Clearly one of the most important things we can do for each other and our world is to pray. The words of Jesus guide us in how to pray for each other and our culture. First, we pray for spiritual protection in the powerful name of Jesus. Second, we pray for personal growth in holiness as we internalize and apply God’s Word. And third, we pray for strength from the Holy Spirit to bring about positive change.
“As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world. And for their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth.”
John 17:18-19
Jesus has sent us out as His holy people to love our neighbors and build His kingdom “on earth as it is in heaven.”
Where is the Lord sending you today? Who can you love and serve in His Name?