(813) 969-2303 office@oakwoodfl.org

How many fish did you catch in the last 12 months? How many times did you go fishing? How many times did you cast a line?

If (like me) you never went fishing and never cast a line, then you are not surprised by the fact that you didn’t catch any fish. And even if you did go out a few times, you may not have caught very many. After all, it’s called “fishing” not “catching.” Look at these words from Jesus and hear them as a promise.

“Passing alongside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, ‘Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.’

Mark 1:16-17

Jesus changes us. The longer you follow Jesus, the more He changes you. Jesus was the ultimate fisherman – always intentional in reaching out to people, perfectly loving in His approach, infinitely wise in the words he chose, totally in tune with the Father’s will and the Spirit’s leading. The more we learn from Him, the more He helps us become like Him. “I will make you become fishers of men.” He will train us. He will empower us. He will use us to do His work in His way. If we let Him.

Here are 10 practices of a soul fisherman. (Don’t get hung up on the numbers, just try to take in the principles and fill in your own numerical targets!)

  1. Find a Spot – visit one or more regular venues for relational outreach each week.
  2. Toss bread crumbs – make 8-12 new contacts each month.
  3. Cast a line – establish relational connections with 3-4 each month.
  4. Get a nibble – have 1-2 spiritual conversations each month (coffee / meals).
  5. Set the hook – lead an evangelistic Bible Study 2-3 times each year.
  6. Land a fishsee 1-2 conversions each year as people trust in Jesus as Savior.
  7. Look to seaestablish the new believer in the basics of knowing and following Jesus.
  8. Give a pole train the Christ follower in evangelism and discipleship.
  9. Bring alongshow the new evangelist how to fish for people.
  10. Send them outempower the disciple-maker to make disciples of his/ her own.

Look over this list and consider which of these ten practices you are good at and which ones could use some work. Connect with a Christian friend this week to talk about your strengths and weaknesses in relational outreach and spend some time encouraging and praying for one another.

As we saw in Acts 5 on Sunday, we have the authority of Jesus to make disciples of all nations. And we have the command of Jesus to devote ourselves to this mission. We also have His example to remind us that it will not be easy, for the Word of God will always be opposed. But finally we have His promise to be with us to the end, no matter what.

So let’s press on in fishing for people! Let’s learn from the Lord and from each other so we can grow in our discipline and skill. A fantastic resource many Oakwood leaders are going through is the book God Space by Doug Pollock. This former Cru leader helps us see what doesn’t work and what does work as we engage with non-believers. He helps us learn patience as we listen and take the time to really get to know the people God has placed in our lives, while gently planting seeds of truth and giving the Holy Spirit time to water them.

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” Don’t lose heart. The Lord of the Harvest has sent us out to gather in all of His remaining lost sheep / fish. Let’s press on with the work! Let’s go fishing!