The typical approach to choosing a career path is to find the convergence of your gifts, interests and opportunity to make money. Notice the key word – career. The core convictions of America today are 1) self-confidence (believe in yourself!); 2) self-advancement (follow your heart) and; 3) self-indulgence (get established and make as much money as you can). The goal of all of this is self-actualization – to fulfill your potential and experience maximum happiness and satisfaction. (Check out this previous post to contrast Christian expectations with worldly rainbows and unicorn expectations.) Here is the contrasting Biblical way:
Calling runs opposite to career development because it is not about SELF but about GOD. It is not about building your name and seeking your happiness and fulfillment but about glorifying the name of Jesus and seeking to please Him. Calling still considers your gifts and passions but replaces the third indicator with your opportunity to serve others rather than your opportunity to serve yourself (by making money). Here is the key text we will explore Sunday (8/2).
“The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers. Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.”
1 Peter 4:7-11
God has given all believers GIFTS: 1) spiritual gifts, primarily to serve the church (like wisdom, encouragement, teaching, music, faith, generosity, etc.); 2) natural abilities; 3) a custom-designed temperament and personality (e.g. extraverted v. introverted; structured v. unstructured, etc.) and; 4) a set of life experiences to guide and enhance your work.
God has also given us PASSIONS – topics and issues that stir our hearts and give us energy and focus. These may be positive, like a love for science and human anatomy that leads someone into medicine or an interest in animals that leads you into veterinary work. Or they may be negative, like a holy discontent, a righteous anger about the killing of the unborn that leads you to serve in a crisis pregnancy center, or about poverty or mental illness that guides you into social services.
Finally, God gives all of us opportunities to SERVE. “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another.” Everything God has given us is not meant just for us – but is meant to go through us to bless others. The Jordan River empties into the Dead Sea in Israel where its fresh water mixes with the extremely salty water of the Dead Sea where nothing can live. The Dead Sea is a dead end – water pours into it but nothing flows from it. Christians should not be like the Dead Sea – with all of these blessings and gifts from God pouring into us but nothing going out. We should instead be like the Sea of Galilee from which the Jordan River flows. Rain falls on the surrounding hills, and various springs and streams flow into the Sea of Galilee, so that in flood season the waters rush down into the Jordan River and the whole Jordan valley is nourished by the waters.
This is our Calling G.P.S. – our guidance system to discern from the Lord, our Caller, His will for our lives. What is the convergence of your three indicators? Your Gifts, Passions and opportunity to Serve?
- Life Connections Counseling Center has assembled some free tests to help you better understand your personality and calling.
- Here is a free S.H.A.P.E. test to help identify your Spiritual Gifts, Heart (passion), Abilities, Personality and Experiences.