Most of you have heard of a new coronavirus that originated in China and has had several small scale outbreaks elsewhere in the world. Media reports on the topic have ranged in tone from panic to calm reassurance.
While there is certainly cause for concern, there are also some common sense practices that can help prevent the spread of any infectious disease. Most of these things we learned in kindergarten: Wash your hands. Cover your mouth when you cough. If you are sick, stay home.
But what does God have to say about illness?
1. Disease is a result of the common sin of all mankind (Gen 3). Death is the ultimate consequence of separation from God caused by sin, and pain, suffering, illness, and emotional trauma are echoes and warnings of that final separation.
2. All types of infirmities are a call to focus on God and to repent. James 5:14-15 draws a parallel between being sick in the body and being sick with sin. Rightfully so— like a virus, sin is a disease which infects our entire being, for which we must seek the help of the Great Physician (Mark 2:17). He is the only one strong enough to truly protect us from sickness, and the only one who can heal us of our sin.
3. Sickness always ends up glorifying God. We know that God does all things for His glory (Isaiah 48:9-11) whether in saving us (Psalm 106:7-8) or in His righteous judgment (Romans 9:22-23). We can stand firm that though we may not always see how, God is glorified through both joy and suffering.
In conclusion, you may be in a conversation with a co-worker, friend, or acquaintance about this virus. It can be a way to start a gospel conversation. We can rest assured God is moving through this, and pray that He will allow us to join Him in His work.
And please, wash your hands!”