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J.D. Greear expressed this beautifully – Failed Reboot, Feb. 2, 2016

“God will one day wipe out evil from the earth by firing the arrows of his own wrath not at the earth but he will fire them back into himself. And that’s where you start to see hints about Jesus all through this story. Jesus will come one day, like Noah, just a lot better.  Like Noah, Jesus is going to obey God even though nobody understand him and nobody believes him and through Jesus’ obedience he is going to provide an ark of salvation. But unlike Noah, he is going to succeed all the way to the end. Jesus’ life is not going to end in a drunken stupor (on the cross he will turn down an intoxicant).

“Like Noah’s ark Jesus is going to shield us from the storm of God’s wrath and he’s going to lift us up above the waters of judgment. But unlike Noah the ark that shields us from the wrath of God is not going to be made of gopher wood it is going to be made of his own torn flesh. We are going to be lifted up above the waters of judgment because Jesus is going to be submerged underneath them. Like Noah Jesus is going to emerge from the storms of God’s judgment in a resurrection and in that resurrection he’s going to begin a new creation. But unlike Noah this new race will not have hearts of people whose thoughts are only evil continually. He’s going to make us new creations. He’s going to put His spirit into us… Have you entered into the real ark? It was all there to point you to Jesus!”