What’s Next?
Current Series: The Revelation
A study and application of God’s last words to His people
From January through July of this year we will travel through the last book of the Bible, The Revelation. Notice that the book opens and closes with a promise of blessing for those who read, hear and keep the words of this prophecy (Rev. 1:3; 22:7). This framing tells us what the book is for: the encouragement and transformation of Christians facing persecution and suffering of all kinds. It is a profoundly practical and relevant book, not a fanciful exploration of how and when the world might end. What does this book reveal? Yes, it reveals our hearts as we face various struggles. It exposes the evil in this world. But ultimately the book reveals the glory and supremacy and victory of King Jesus. Some come be encouraged, be inspired and be changed as you encounter the risen and victorious King of kings and Lord of lords!
- 3/23 – The Lamb
- 3/30 – The Scroll/Seals
- 4/6 – The People of God
- 4/13 – The Trumpets of Justice
- 4/20 – Meet Jesus (Easter Sunday)