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Upcoming Titles

Unstoppable Stories – Oakwood Testimonies

How has the Lord been working in your life? What is your unstoppable story? This Sunday is a testimony Sunday. Instead of a sermon, your stories will provide the content and inspiration for the morning. We are encouraging everyone to write down 100-200 words (1-2...

19. Multiply

Already in Acts 9 we see the fulfillment of the promise in Acts 1:8 that the disciples would be witnesses in "all Judea and Samaria." How did the early church grow so rapidly? The answer is in Acts 9:31 - "it multiplied." Saul's experience provides a model for...

18. Called

The conversion of Saul the Pharisee, who would become Paul the missionary, is one of the most dramatic transformations in history. While the details are unusual, the basic pattern of how Jesus calls us is consistent: 1) he confronts our sin; 2) he commands our...

17. Show and Share

Wherever we go, Christians are called to communicate the grace of Jesus and demonstrate the love of Jesus. This showing and sharing, proclamation and demonstration, was how Jesus did ministry and how the early church did ministry. How can you show the love of Jesus to...

16. The Whole Story

The whole Bible is one story and it all points to Jesus. The first martyr in the early church, Stephen, inspires us with his example and his message in Acts 6-7. We will see three major Bible heroes (Abraham, Moses and David) and how the promises God made to each of...

15. Unstoppable Service

Unstoppable Service As the church continues to grow and expand outward, in Acts 6:1-7 they are forced to pause and look inward. A complaint has arisen from within their ranks over a lack of care and compassion for those less fortunate. The church faces a challenging...

14. To Fill the City

In Acts 5 the apostles were accused of having "filled Jerusalem with your teaching." In spite of deadly threats and fierce opposition, they continued to preach the gospel! This passage gives us four keys to pursuing Gospel saturation in our city: 1) our authority to...

13. Generous Fellowship

The early church was extraordinarily generous to one another - selling property, sharing resources, taking care of everyone's needs. Barnabas was an inspiring example of this sacrificial generosity, while Ananias and Sapphira provide a sobering warning of deceitful...

12. Prevailing Prayer

"Now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness, while you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus" (Acts 4:29-30).  The apostles'...

11. The Only Savior

When pressed by the religious authorities to stop talking about Jesus, Peter and John expressed the twin convictions of Christianity - that Jesus is the only Savior and the only Lord. No one and nothing else can save you, so trust completely in Jesus as your Savior!...