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Upcoming Titles

29. One Church, One Mission

As the early church grappled with the salvation of Gentiles they were forced to adapt to the clearly revealed will of God. Today we face a similarly drastic need for transformation - from the idolatry of church growth to the global vision of gospel saturation; from...

28. Law and Grace

As more Gentiles joined the early church the question arose: How Jewish did believers need to become to faithfully follow Jesus? The striking answer was - not Jewish at all. Followers of Christ are free in Him to choose our own personal disciplines. In fact, it is...

27. Four Fields

The apostle Paul's missionary method provides a model for us to follow, used all over the world as the Four Fields Training. First, you enter an empty field with prayer and care. Then you share the gospel in a seeded field. Third, you train believers in a growing...

26. Your Response is Your Responsibility

While God is sovereign over all things, people are responsible for the choices they make. Acts 13 shows us three decisions people make who ultimately reject Jesus and three opposite decisions from those who ultimately follow Jesus. Each set of choices has...

25. First to the Jew

Paul's first missionary journey sets the pattern that continues through Acts. One truth: God chooses who will be saved. Two applications: 1) praise God for His mercy to save any of us; 2) don't stress about results. Three practices: A) begin with those closest to you;...

24. Getting God’s Guidance

As we come into Acts 13, the Gospel message is ready to go out to the entire world! But where does the church start? Who do they send, and where will they go? The early Christians were in need of God's guidance. Similarly, we today are in need of God's guidance for...

23. Kingdom, Power, and Glory

Acts 12 provides a striking contrast between Herod "the king" and Barnabas "the encourager." Herod was self-focused, self-reliant and self-exalting while Barnabas is God-focused, God-reliant and God-exalting. The king becomes a sobering warning and Barnabas serves as...

22. Sovereign Over Suffering

In the midst of suffering and loss our faith faces its most difficult test. In Acts 12 the apostles see James beheaded and Peter thrown in prison. The situation looks grim for all of them. But into that darkness the Lord shines the light of hope. This chapter gives us...

21. Ordinary Believers

Nobody likes persecution. However, when it comes to our faith we are told we will face persecution.  Consider a diamond.  Unless carbon is acted upon by heat and pressure, a diamond will not form.  Once it is transformed, however, it becomes a cherished possession. ...

20. Good News for Everyone

Most of the first Christians were Jewish. It was a huge leap for them to accept non-Jews into their lives and local congregations. Acts 10-11 shows the measures God took to help the believers understand that the gospel is for the whole world. God sees everyone the...