1. Groaning but Hopeful – March 11, 2018 – Romans 8:16-27
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This world is struggling and all of us struggle in it – “groaning as in the pains of childbirth” – but this passage shows us four ways to wait on the Lord. We wait with confidence, certainty, clarity and comfort. Our hope is not wishful thinking but expectant confidence in the better promises of our God.
2. Chosen and Changing – March 25, 2018 – Romans 8:28-30
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Lifelines for times of trial: 1) God’s plan for us is good (v. 28); 2) God’s purpose for us is growth (v. 29) and; 3) God’s promise for us is glory.
Read the message here: Chosen and Changing
3. Loved and Victorious – April 1, 2018 – Romans 8:31-39
Listen to the message here:
What is love? According to this passage it is far more than the short-lived emotional fling that has stolen that name in our culture. This passage shows us how God is “for us,” how He has loved us in Christ: by protecting us from accusation and condemnation and providing for us eternal acceptance and blessing. That is true love!
Read the message here: Loved and Victorious