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Unstoppable Stories – Oakwood Testimonies

Unstoppable Stories - Oakwood Testimonies January 17, 2021 Unstoppable Stories - Oakwood Testimonies by Oakwood members | Unstoppable How has the Lord been working in your life? What is your unstoppable story? This Sunday is a testimony Sunday. Instead of a sermon,...

19. Multiply

19. Multiply January 10, 2010 - Acts 9:18-31 Multiply by Pastor Darin Anderson | Unstoppable Already in Acts 9 we see the fulfillment of the promise in Acts 1:8 that the disciples would be witnesses in “all Judea and Samaria.” How did the early church grow...

18. Called

18. Called January 03, 2021 - Acts 9:1-22 Called by Pastor Darin Anderson | Unstoppable The conversion of Saul the Pharisee, who would become Paul the missionary, is one of the most dramatic transformations in history. While the details are unusual, the basic pattern...

17. Show and Share

17. Show and Share December 27, 2020 - Acts 8 Show and Share by Pastor Darin Anderson | Unstoppable Wherever we go, Christians are called to communicate the grace of Jesus and demonstrate the love of Jesus. This showing and sharing, proclamation and demonstration, was...

16. The Whole Story

16. The Whole Story December 20, 2020 - Acts 6 and 7 The Whole Story by Pastor Darin Anderson | Unstoppable http://www.oakwoodfl.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/sermon-12.20.2020.wav The whole Bible is one story and it all points to Jesus. The first martyr in the...

15. Unstoppable Service

15. Unstoppable Service December 13, 2020 - Acts 6:1-7 Unstoppable Service by Jason Harms | Unstoppable http://www.oakwoodfl.org/site/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/sermon-12.13.2020.wav Unstoppable Service As the church continues to grow and expand outward, in Acts 6:1-7...