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11. The Conquering King

June 25, 2023 - Isaiah 63:1-9

The Conquering King

by Pastor Darin Anderson | Servant of the Lord

Isaiah’s rich and detailed prophecy concludes with a dramatic vision of the future and eternity. Justice for sinners and joy for God’s people intermingle in a mashup of imagery that ties together Israel’s past, the time of Isaiah, the coming Messiah, His millennial reign (Rev. 20) and the new heaven and earth. Three wonderful promises emerge that will converge for our eternal joy: 1) in the perfect justice of God; 2) in the steadfast love of God and; 3) in the comprehensive peace of God. Come be encouraged by our joy in Jesus now and forevermore!

Read the message here: The Conquering King Isaiah 63

YouVersion link:http://bible.com/events/49097025

Download a fillable outline here: The Conquering King outline Isaiah 63