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10. A Foreshadowed Messiah

June 18, 2023 - Isaiah 61

A Foreshadowed Messiah

by Dr. Eric Bargerhuff | The Servant of the Lord

The Servant of the Lord in Isaiah speaks in 1st person in Isaiah 61, and Jesus confirms in Luke 4 that He is the fulfillment of this. He is the One who is anointed to preach the good news to His chosen people who are spiritually destitute, broken, and bound. His first coming will be all about the “year of the LORD’s favor.” (v. 2a)  But his Second Coming will be all about the “day of vengeance” (v.2b). God had promised to destroy Israel’s enemies and bring immeasurable blessings to Israel, some of which will be partially fulfilled after the exile and in the church today while seeing its ultimate fulfillment during Israel’s full restoration in the millennium. This was a direct promise to the Israelites (“those who grieve in Zion, v. 3), and the rebuilding of their land and their spiritual fortitude will be designed specifically that “He may be glorified.” (v. 3)  Yet as the people of God by faith today, we too can enjoy these very precious promises.

Download the outline here: A Foreshadowed Messiah Isaiah 61