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5. The Servant King

May 14, 2023 - Isaiah 45:1-8

The Servant King

by Pastor Darin Anderson | Servant of the Lord

Around 700 B.C. God spoke through Isaiah about a future ruler named Cyrus, who arose in Persia and in 539 B.C. issued an empire wide edict that enabled the Jews to return to their homeland. In Isaiah 45:1 Cyrus is called God’s “anointed” (Heb. Messiah), a term otherwise reserved for Israel’s prophets, priests and kings. God appointed and anointed Cyrus, calling him by name, equipping him for specific tasks and empowering him to success in them. We see God’s creative generosity all around us in people (both believers and non-believers) God appoints and anoints to serve and assist us. Let’s be thankful – both to God and to these people!

Read the message here: The Servant King Isaiah 45

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