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3. The Servant of Justice

April 30, 2023 - Isaiah 42:1-10

The Servant of Justice

by Pastor Darin Anderson | Servant of the Lord

This part of Isaiah consistently provokes the question, “Who is the Servant of the Lord?” Is it a future Messianic leader? Is it a prophet, priest or king in Isaiah’s time? Is it all of Israel or the calling of faithful Jews? Are we the servants of the Lord? The answer is “all of the above!” This was the calling for God’s people throughout history and it remains our calling today. As God’s chosen and cherished children – as His servants – we must 1) love the hurting; 2) teach His Word and; 3) work for justice. Let’s not grow tired or discouraged – let’s simply keep serving the Lord!

Read the message here: The Servant of Justice Isaiah 42

Get the YouVersion notes here.

Download a fillable outline here: The Servant of Justice outline