Worship Arts Ministry
Worship is for God and we desire that our Worship Services put a smile on His face. We use a combination of creative means to excel in loving God through our services. That is the goal: to love Him. The process is also transformational for us. He uses our expressions of love to move us closer to becoming the fully devoted Christ followers He desires us to be.
Join us Sunday as we bring the Lord the glory, honor and praise He alone is due!
Oakwood’s Worship Vision
- God is the audience
- Participatory
- Lyrically faithful to Scriptural truths
- Lyrics and music aid believers in their worship of God
- Contemporary style
- Fresh, energetic, uplifiting, inspiring, emotionally moving, reflective, reverent
- Dramatic
- Transformational

There are many opportunities to serve in the Worship Arts ministry as instrumentalists, vocalists, through choir involvement, drama, tech support, emcee, etc.
If you are interested in joining our Worship Arts team, contact office@oakwoodfl.org