The Psalms have served as the prayer and worship book for God’s people for thousands of years. Check out this helpful overview from the Bible Project:
There is a movement and flow to the 150 Psalms. The first word of Psalm 1 is “Blessed.” The last five Psalms (145-150) all end with Praise the the Lord (Hallelujah). Blessing is found specifically in Torah (Psalm 1) and the Messiah (Psalm 2). There is also pain, suffering and judgment – so the first three books include many laments that cry out to God with the question “How long, O Lord?” Yet they always turn on the hinge of faith, saying (as in Psalm 31), “But I trust in you, O Lord.”
It’s clear that the goal of the Psalms is to move us to worship. They guide us in that direction not by denying the evil and suffering in the world but by giving us a pathway by which we can walk through those dark valleys (Psalm 23), and reminding us of God’s covenant promises that always gives us hope for the future. So whether you are joyful now and ready to praise the Lord for His faithfulness, or whether you are struggling now in the midst of a difficult challenge, the Psalms are filled with resources to encourage and direct your soul to the One who brings blessing, hope, life and light!
The 2021 EFCA Theology Conference walked through the Psalms, opening them up for us from many wonderful angles. How is the Psalter arranged? Why is David’s writing so highlighted in the first two sections? What do the superscriptions tell us?
This session from Dr. James Hamilton (Southern Seminary) provides an inspiring and insightful overview of the structure and message of the whole book of Psalms. What you’ll hear is how beautifully and masterfully even the arrangement of this book is – as inspired by the Holy Spirit. Click the link above for the podcast. Or watch the video here:
Another excellent session on the Psalms relates to the topic of lament. Click here for the audio podcast. Or watch this session here:
Lots more on the Psalms is available at the EFCA podcast here. Or videos of the sessions are here.
The Psalms are a wonderful gift from the Lord to guide us as we prayerfully seek Him. Use them often and use them well! Don’t just read the Psalms, pray them back, line by line, to the Lord!