"Bondservants are to be submissive to their own masters in everything; they are to be well-pleasing, not argumentative, not pilfering, but showing all good faith, so that in everything they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior." Titus 2:9-10, ESV
Some things we do “adorn” the gospel, while others detract from it. Some amplify the good news of Jesus while others muffle the message. Titus 2 shows us the importance of consistent respect for those in authority over us and maintaining a generally pleasing and positive demeanor, not becoming irritable or argumentative. Here is another translation:
"Slaves must always obey their masters and do their best to please them. They must not talk back or steal, but must show themselves to be entirely trustworthy and good. Then they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive in every way." Titus 2:9-10, NLT
Our calling as disciple-makers is to make the gospel as attractive as we can and to avoid putting any stumbling blocks in the way of people the Lord is drawing to Himself. The gospel itself must offend a person’s pride as the Holy Spirit convicts them of sin and shows them the need to repent and surrender to Jesus as Lord. But we should not seek to offend anyone.
Acts 24-25 show Paul still on trial before local rulers. This week (7/11/2021) we will see Paul standing firm in the truth – presenting his innocence and sincere commitment to God. Next week (7/18/2021) we will study how Paul uses his story to present God’s story. Paul knew that his character provided the platform for his message. If our integrity can be questioned, why should anyone listen to what we believe? This is why the moral failings of prominent church leaders are so devastating, and remind all of us of our need to guard our own hearts and maintain consistent safeguards and accountability measures.
How can you amplify your witness? How can you adorn the gospel? What do your neighbors see? What do your close friends and co-workers notice in your character and day to day language? Do they see Christ in you as they hear of Christ from you? Do they regularly feel His love coming through you as you share about His love for them?
Click here to be reminded that the gospel is meant to “go viral” through our current relationships.
Here are some quotes from Spurgeon on this text in Titus 2. His whole message is here: Adorning the Gospel.
“The doctrine of God our Saviour” — the more I think of all that is meant by these words, the more it seems to be an ornament of the rarest kind for the neck of the gospel. “The doctrine of God our Saviour.” Turn the words over in your minds; see what a gospel it is that you have received, see how great it is, see how divine it is, prize it so as to rejoice in it day by day, and so as to defend it if need be with your lives, rejoice in it so that, when you come to die, it shall be the light that shall remove the darkness of the last dread hour.
“Then, what is appropriate to the gospel? Well, holiness suits the gospel. Adorn it with a holy life. How pure, how clean, how sweet, how heavenly, the gospel is! Hang, then, the jewels of holiness about its neck, and place them as rings on its hands. The gospel is also to be adorned with mercifulness. It is all mercy, it is all love, there is no love like it: “God so loved the world.” Well, then, adorn the gospel with the suitable jewels of mercifulness and kindness. Be you full of lovingkindness to others, for you have tasted of the lovingkindness of the Lord. The gospel also is the gospel of happiness; it is called, “the glorious gospel of the blessed God.” A more correct translation would be, “the happy God.” Well, then, adorn the gospel by being happy.”