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34. On Mission Together

May 16, 2021 - Acts 18

On Mission Together

by Pastor Mike Maggard | Unstoppable

God desires that ordinary people like you and me be used by Him to make extraordinary impact on the world around us by working together. Our unstoppable God works through His Church. In Acts 18, we see Paul working with six different people or pairs, illustrating the beauty and power of collaboration. This week, Pastor Mike Maggard will be teaching on the life and ministry of Aquila and Priscilla to see how their example encourages us to join with other believers in order to be on mission all the time just as they were. Come be encouraged that you have something to contribute! Take a step to get more involved in the work God is doing at Oakwood!

Read the message here: On Mission Together

Get the YouVersion notes here.

Download the fillable outline here: On Mission Together outline

Discussion Questions here.