We, the children of God gathered as Oakwood Community Church, in view of God’s mercy to us in Christ, this day present ourselves to God as a living sacrifice, made holy and acceptable to Him by the blood of Jesus.
We commit together today to help each other resist the temptations of this world and to focus on God’s purposes and priorities for us, discerning what is good and most pleasing in His eyes.
Knowing our own weaknesses and our many sins we profess our complete dependence on God and His grace, knowing that even our faith in Jesus was an undeserved gift from Him by which we were united with our Savior and covered with His righteousness.
As those who are one with Christ we joyfully acknowledge that we are one body, and we need each other. Having received different gifts of grace from the Holy Spirit we covenant together today to use our gifts to bring glory to the Lord Jesus Christ by laboring together to build up our local church.
We promise today and hereafter to love and serve one another, to encourage and challenge one another in the Lord and to use every breath He gives us, every minute remaining to us and every resource entrusted to us to honor the Lord Jesus Christ, to strengthen His Church in Tampa and to bring the Gospel to the nations.
Lord, hear our sincere desires and commitments today and enable us, by your Spirit, to keep these promises that in everything you may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.