(813) 969-2303 office@oakwoodfl.org


Luke Benjamin Bernard studied theater at UCF and went to Hollywood to try to break into the industry. But God had another way for Luke. In 2013 he was in a terrible car accident that left him in a coma with a traumatic brain injury. The doctors gave him little chance of surviving, much less a full recovery. But God had other plans. Luke woke from the coma much sooner than anyone expected, in answer to the prayers of hundreds of people all over the world. He came through rehab much faster than expected, prompting doctors to call his recovery “miraculous.” And in the midst of this recovery that to this day he can’t even remember, he had a dream that led him to write a screenplay about two competing brothers

That screenplay has become a feature length film that releases only in the Bay Area on Friday, September 7. It is called The Favorite. The movies tells the story of two brothers – Luke and Benjamin – who compete for their father’s attention and applause. The father, played by John Schneider, brings the challenges of parenting to the screen as he strives to love both of his boys well and referee their interactions with each other.

This film presents us with several opportunities. First, we should pray that the Lord will use it both here in Tampa and hopefully in a broader nationwide release. Second, we should pray for friends we could invite to the premier on September 7. Third, we should pray for the parents of teens in our church family, that God will give them wisdom in modeling God’s unconditional love to all of them. And finally, we should pray for all who are struggling with the goodness of God in the midst of the challenges of life.

God, of course, does not play favorites. And as the perfect heavenly Father, He looks at each one of His children and calls us His beloved. Lord, may this film help people experience the reality of your unconditional and infinite love for us, your straying and struggling children!

For more details on the film read the Dove review here: http://www.dove.org/review/12861-the-favorite/