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A sermon series in Philippians

“Finally, brothers, rejoice in the Lord.” Philippians 3:1

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.” Philippians 4:4

Paul commands in the last two chapters of Philippians what he models in the first two chapters: joy fixed securely in Christ. He even goes so far as to say that everything else in this world is rubbish compared to “the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (3:8).

This fall my prayer is that we will orient our hearts, minds and lives around this idea as our North Star: choose Jesus & choose joy.

  • If you’re feeling lost and alone, lift up your eyes to look on the face of Christ.
  • If you’re discouraged or depressed, think about Jesus and all He has done for you.
  • If you’re fearful and worried, turn your attention to the Lord of heaven and earth who loves you and gave Himself up for you.
  • If you’re busy and distracted, pause for a moment to remember the One who gave you life and breath and everything else.
  • If you’re struggling or in pain, consider the suffering of Jesus and contemplate His victory over sin and death.

Every day – really every moment – we all have to choose what we will focus on. If we want a deep and unshakeable joy, we must choose to focus on Jesus. He alone can save a sinner. He alone can help a believer grow to maturity. Jesus alone can strengthen the weary, give peace to the worried, freedom to the addict, hope to the suffering and purpose to the drifting.

The one who helped me understand the connection between God’s glory and my joy was John Piper. Watch the first two minutes of this video from his online ministry, wwwdesiringgod.org.

“My desire for happiness and God’s desire for glory are not at odds. They are one… God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.” (John Piper)

Be satisfied in God. Rest in His sovereign plan. Revel in His infinite goodness. Rely on His all sufficient grace. Rejoice in the Lord.